Where Angels Sing
Where Angels Sing
We are travellers on this earthly road.
We are warriors, hiders and seekers.
At our journey’s end-our spirit released from the endless cycles of expansion and contraction…our labour ended…birthed anew…
We see the body is but a temporary home, an address for the traveller…
a suit of armor for the warrior…
And then we fly…released from the illusion that the fight was ours…
…for we never fought another…only ourselves…
And the story we created to spin a web of fear around the truth of our love…making our words sticky…our voices wooden with the
splinters of need and greed and accusation.
All the while the fires of forgiveness flamed below,
waiting for us to toss our assumptions and confusion into
the belly of God…and burn away the small self that sees
‘you’ and ‘I’ as separate…and awaken with fresh eyes and singing lips…
to rejoice at the wonder of this world.
To relinquish the fight…and walk in this world as a warrior
whose only armor is the mantle of truth…and whose only shield
is love in action…capable of destroying the monsters of fear
and the demons of delusion…
…seekers no more…drawn to the light…taking flight…
found in the sound of creation
where angels sing us to our forever home…
Copyright August 2004 Pam Gerrand